Introduction Slavery was a very big issue in the South. Many of the slaves were abused, and tortured until death sometimes. The slaves were simply pieces of property. They were not considered people to their owners. Most of them were beaten when they did something bad, or wrong. Slaves were people that worked on big farms, or small plantations. They worked for no pay, and they hardly ever got any food. Depending on the owner, they were not allowed to grow their own gardens. If they weren't allowed to grow their own gardens secretly. Often times, they were caught after a long time of working in the garden. They hid them very well normally. Slaves were made to go out on their own, and find their own food. Slaves would always have an overseer watching them and making sure they were doing their work properly. Slaves would always see the pessimism of things. Slave owners disillusioned slaves reading and writing. Slaves punishment for resistance led some terrible things. Normally if they ran they would get their toes chopped off. Slaves and their family were often segregated. They normally didn't attend any suppression but being auctioned off.